Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Return to Royalty

Amidst the excitement of the many fashion week posts, I want return to the continuance of brilliant style from the Duchess.

Image courtesy of

This stunning floor length black dress is DVF. I love that it is not overly fitted, rather is falls straight down. It shows her great shape in a modest way. The sleeves are a great middle ground for incorporating conservatism, elegance, and modernity. Choosing black adds to all three elements.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Will You Be My Valentino?

Image courtesy of

Hailing from Paris, Valentino's latest collection is composed of blacks, whites, pastels, and bold eccentric patterns.

The theme I found in many dresses is distinct patterns with exact symmetry. Love the beginning layer of black+white with a bold dash of pink. Hitting the pink at the collar and sleeves adds wonderful symmetry. The middle portion of deep blue-green tied together with mirrored feathers contrasts the warm colours and floral above and beneath. The skirt portion also plays a two tone element. That bright marigold yellow adds great warmth to the thick black trimming ending the dress.

I love those sandals. Very Roman/Greek-esque (taking a classical studies course right now, so the sandals are a huge win.)

Sometimes crazy contrasting patterns just work together. The more unique from one another the better.