Thursday, June 18, 2015

Chalk coloured sidewalk

Image courtesy of
Busy working grownup meets child without a care in the world. I love the two worlds colliding. A great middle ground by D&G. The jacket is perfectly fitted with a great parallel button combo, open pockets and v-neck. Great for a Fall stroll.

On to the skirt. I love the colour and freedom. I instantly thought of a blank canvas like a sidewalk being awakened with beautiful, fun imagery. It provides a youthful vibe. Paired together with a gorgeous purse and black heels, the colours and focus stay on the skirt.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

RTW blue flower shower

Image courtesy of
I am a sucker for floral. On top of that, blue floral and I am sold. I love this look for it's simplicity. It's a true RTW piece. Really enjoy the shower of blue and blue+white flowers. I like the leaves are there to add a contrast of black. The sleeves are a great wide width to complement the flow of the dress.